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Kazuko Himura

Raen Au Ra(?)




"Battle Mage" (See skillset for disciplines she's dabbled in.)

Voice Claim:

Four Fulms, Four Ilms

Nameday/Apparent Age:

27th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon (April 26th)/"Young"

Keeping her age ambiguous for the sake of story purposes, but she is over 18 despite looking younger. Blame stunted growth.

"Sometimes darkness will show you the light..."

Basic Information

Kazuko is a sickly thin Raen with a Far Eastern background, seeking family, adventure, magical skill, and especially food. Her large aetherpool and talent in arcanima makes this Auri a formidable force on the battlefield, as long as there's a meal before setting out and after the dust settles. Though her ailment cannot be cured, she keeps it at bay with enough food to feed several ravenous Roegadyn. Kazuko, now finally standing tall with assistance, is currently searching to expand her support system, who help her through frequent periods of weakness as a result of her chronic illness. Yet even though she may appear capable and together on the outside, she's not as well off as she seems, having clawed her way out of the grave too many times to count...


  • Trait/Trial Acknowledgement

    • Some of the info in the blurb is visible upon first meeting, and I really appreciate if people acknowledge such things in-character in a kind, caring manner.

  • Adventure

    • Freeform combat preferred

  • Mentor/Student

    • Prefer being the student, but can be a mentor within reason.

    • As a mentor, she is only able to teach arcanima, and is unable to teach the skills Resurrection and Physick.

  • Medical/Illness Recovery

  • Slice of Life

  • Open World RP

    • As in out in random areas of the world within feasibility, not just in player housing.

  • Communication!

    • This is extremely vital to me. Please keep in touch out of character, whether it be discord or the occasional /t.


  • eRP

  • Magic fixes/cures for her condition

    • Includes making it inconsequential

  • Minors/Under 21's

    • By this I mean players. For characters, anyone under 20 is a no-go.

  • Traumadumping without leadup

  • Insensitivity towards matters of mental health

  • "Second life Adjacent" RP

  • Cannibalism

  • NPC roleplayers*

    • ​Utilizing NPC characters alongside a player character is fine, within reason.

    • While the reason for this rule is obvious, I will not say no to an encounter with the Cornservant, but only if Kaz is already in areas where they would naturally be, as the opportunity is too good to pass up. However, the chances of this encounter being rendered as non-canon to Kaz's story are incredibly high.

  • Characters "Medically similar" to Kaz, be it a temporary ail or a permanent one.

    • By "Medically Similar", anything that leaves a person deathly thin and/or prone to fainting from hunger, with or without a large appetite. Aetherspurn and some other aetherical disorders count as well.

    • If they had a temporary case in the past, just run it by me.

    • Voidsent (and by extension, symptomatic (aka showing symptoms) Nightkin) count as well.

    • If you know someone who plays one or your character knows one or both, do NOT discuss them either in or out of character.

  • Refusal of communication/Breech of consent

  • Character Death

    • Close calls OK, ask first!


  • Romance

    • Requires long discussion, for both in and out of character reasons, one of which is her being in an open relationship.

  • Void-Related

    • While Kaz dislikes voidsent and is a soon to be hunter of anything that eats aether, there are some OOC reasons I request discussion beforehand. See the "No" section for why.

  • The Echo

  • Other characters with large appetites or chronic illnesses (or both!)

    • For the same reason, I may require discussion regarding certain kinds of harsh upbringings or current living situations.

  • Anything else majorly life-altering



Server: Halicarnassus
World Travel OK?: Yes
DC Travel OK?: Yes

Character Playlist

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