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Hooks, Rumors, and Stories



As Kazuko is a newer adventurer (Due to breaks caused by illness), things such as fellow adventuring buddies, individuals/groups with assignments/contracts/quests/leves (or recipients of completion proof), or experienced adventurers willing to help out newcomers like herself are always welcome!


Those who can see or sense aether will be able to notice a few things. First off, above average was an understatement, Kazuko’s aether reserves are huge*, to the point she has additional channels to draw from. The second thing is that it seems to be being drained away, and those aetherically sensitive would be able to notice this-and that a lot of times, her reserves are much like a glass in desperate need of a refill...

*Not Warrior of Light level huge, but noticeably in the upper tiers for magic users.

"Hey, you shouldn't be eating that!"

Whether it be something that is inedible, looks inedible to an untrained eye, is something disgusting that most wouldn't eat, or is essentially someone else's food, there is a chance Kazuko may be eating it. While the second could possibly just be a case of her having found a small pick-me-up with foraging, all four are also a clear sign of desperation.

Mobility Aids

​Sometimes Kazuko can be seen walking with a wood and metal custom cane, or could be seen in a heavy duty magitek wheeled chair, more of Ishgardian origin than Garlemald. Those of you with magitek experience and expertise might have your interest piqued by the latter, which she has with her even when walking unaided, as it’s foldable and attaches to her pack.

Journal and Tomestone

Kazuko carries a large journal with her alongside her Arcanist tome, as well as an expensive looking tomestone. She can be seen writing in them semi-frequently, oftentimes even during conversations and meals. Perhaps you spotted her writing in them?


Besides them being discolored and frail due to illness, I use this document for headcanons regarding Kaz's scales. Perhaps you do, too for your Au Ra? Or for your medical character or for your character that considers skin care really important, the sky's the limit!

Plants and Foraging

During a leg of her recovery from a massive downward spiral, Kazuko was taught how to forage for edible plants, and how to tend to them. While it can help her in a pinch, it is not exactly the best thing for long term sustainability. Despite this downside, however, there is a silver lining. Are you in need of a specific kind of herb, leaf, root, etc? Perhaps she can find it for you, albeit for some gil and maybe something to eat in return.

Swivin' voidsent... (ASK FIRST!)

With how large her aether reserves are, Kazuko is very much pestered by those of the void-in one case to the point of ending up in severe medical distress. Perhaps you too can't stand them and spot her fending them off?

Mercantile Connections...?

Kazuko's parents were fairly successful merchants throughout her life, and always kept in the loop with other fellow mercantile folks. She hopes to utilize these connections to possibly find them again.

Hunter of the Dark (ASK FIRST)

Kazuko is a hunter of voidsent and other dark creatures in training. She doesn't take cases that involve more than just tracking down and killing, but is eager to get out there. Are you a fellow hunter, too?

Answers from Garlemald and The Far East

After regaining the memories of her family's move to Kugane and the events surrounding it (and her recovery from said events), all she wants now is answers. Who made the order to choose her village? Who decided that the healer was fighting fit? Where is he now? Do those responsible know what they've done? And where are those who saved her life now?

Dynamis...? (ASK FIRST)

A lesser known fact about Kazuko is that she is able to harness Dynamis to a greater degree than most people, to the point it shows up on scans. Are you one of the rare people who may have an interest in this? Or would you like to assist in her training to utilize it?


Kazuko is an Arcanist by trade, and she’s learned all she can learn so far. Her eyes are very much open to all the possibilities out there, and she is willing to learn, whether it be taking steps as a summoner, or branching out into further combat magic paths**. Perhaps you are willing to teach? Or are you willing to learn from her, as she very much could teach you some additional tips in Arcanima***-those of you with more aetherical channels/larger stores to work with may see a benefit from this. Or perhaps you were just learning Arcanima at the same time as her. She may remember you.



*I am only looking for teachers in Blue Magic at this time, she has two lovely teachers for the rest!

**Feel free to ask her why she’s not pursuing healing magics-she has a very legitimate reason!

***Please ask first for this one.


Know a place to eat she may not have been? Do you like to cook for other people or feed other people? You came to the right Au Ra, Kazuko is quite the hungry one-you can easily hear her stomach growling. Perhaps you witness her asking for more after what should have been a normal portion. Or you see her eating an enormous amount of food...


Kazuko is suffering from a condition called Aethersap, a close relative to Aetherspurn. While she doesn’t like to discuss it with people outside of medical professionals and those she trusts, the effects it has on her show strongly. Perhaps you notice that she looks like she hasn’t had a decent meal in a long while, or is showing signs of malnutrition. You could find her unconscious, or close to it. She could double over in front of you in pain, possibly nearly falling as a result, even faint in front of you. She could seem incredibly worn out or lethargic, even the simplest things taking a physical toll. Or perhaps you are some form of a medical professional, and are willing to provide palliative care to ease her symptoms. Perhaps you even know of her illness and can assist!


Note: If you play a Lalafell and wish to find her unconscious/close to it, or any other scenario she may need carried, would prefer prior discussion on moving her. While another hook will assist with this matter in a way, I wouldn't mind hearing other ideas! Can't just assume all of you have super strength!

Far East

Kazuko was born in Sui-No-Sato, but spent a brief period of time in Doma, and the majority of her childhood in Kugane, only moving to Eorzea on the cusp of adulthood. Were you from any of these places?


Kazuko has a gap in her memory that lasts 5 years and is associated with the Calamity and Eorzea’s recovery from it. She is currently hesitant to find out what may be lurking within.

*Full recovery of her memories is intended to be a major plot point in the future, but all flowering plots must start from seeds, after all.


Despite her tomboyish nature, Kazuko enjoys cute clothing, and likes to seek out new, modestly covering articles when she has the gil for it. You may have the same interest? Or could provide?

Medical Magitek and Alchemy

​Kazuko has an emergency injector called the "Aether Pen" for medicine to stabilize her if she has an episode of her condition. Obviously she would need suppliers for this, magitek inclined individuals for the injector, and alchemists for the medicine. She has blueprints for both. For the former, used Aether Pens can be melted down to create new ones.

My aether! Not yours! (ASK FIRST!)

It's not just voidsent that have her wrath, anything that could potentially feast upon a person's aether reserves are her bane-and this likely could extend into fighting more supernatural matters...

Sharlayan Medical Research Subject of Interest

After finding out that she can enter Sharlayan without a crapload of red tape, Kazuko is now searching for people who would have connections with The Studium and Physis Technon, who could assist her in getting to and possibly be part of the process of medical examinations and study regarding her condition.

Those Eyes...

Kazuko's eyes are clearly not that of an Au Ra. Why are they like this? Or did you mistake her for part-Miqo'te or part-dragon?

More coming soon!

Stay tuned!


"You bloody well won't believe this. The Bismarck held their annual eating contest to raise some additional funds for the Culinarian's Guild, and the winner was this tiny Auri woman, whom out-ate a Roegadyn!"

-said over drinks at the Mizzenmast Inn's bar.

"I've heard she's now associated with House Sparda, how did that come about?"

-Traveling Nobility.

"It's a shame what sort of world we live in. Nobles sending mercenaries after someone just because they have different views..."

-Overheard on Pearl Lane

"I bloody well thought she was being kidnapped! How could someone willingly work with a heretic!?"
"She's close with that half-dragon girl, and together, they slayed four of our best. Only that new guy survived."
"Dragon sympathizers are just as heretical as dragons themselves..."

-Occasionally heard in Ishgard, typically among the same group of Temple Knights.

"One of the first year students brought in someone with a rare condition as the patient for the check-up portion of their final exam!"
"What condition, might I ask?"
"Aethersap, apparently"
"That's really rare! That student is so lucky..."

--Chatter in The Studium.

More coming soon!

Stay tuned!

"Remember that shady eatery that hosts rigged eating contests in Ul'dah? Someone other than the house actually won one! I'm impressed, but I don't envy them, as the losers have been found with soiled smallclothes and aching bellies."

-A commoner in Thanalan.

"Bah! Someone else stood up for her upon finding out she was poisoned at the Quicksands."
"I personally think that was a little over the line...."
"Nah, bastard just had to be sneakier."

-Conversation overheard in Ul'dah

"I heard one of the teachers at the Gladiator's guild broke up a fight. No, not a fight, an impending beatdown, the poor woman he saved was surrounded!"

-Ul'dahn commonfolk

"What!? Someone held a woman hostage in front of The Quicksands!?"
"Yeah, and several others chased him off. The woman only sustained minor injuries, thank the gods."

-Overheard on Ruby Road Exchange

"A patient had to be quarantined, and oddly enough, the reason was classified..."

--Overheard among staff at a Physis Technon teaching hospital.


Co-written with Jubei Himura, this story details the arrival of Kazuko's family in Kugane, and the first night spent there, with elaboration of everything seen in the backstory.

More coming soon!

Stay tuned!

Her trials have taken their toll...

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