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Title | Character Type | Description |
"Ul'dahn Crowd" | Player Characters | A group of people (Sorry I couldn't get all your names!!!) who assisted Kazuko when she was held at knifepoint by someone in Ul'dah. Most of them chased her assailant off, while the rest went to get her secured with a healer. |
Lucent and Umbra Stella | Player Characters | Two sisters whom are heavily steeped in magic and know several languages that Kazuko can't make heads nor tails of. Carmine called them over upon seeing how bad Kazuko's hunger is-and both of them are willing to figure things out. |
Lyra Hotaru | Player Character (as NPC) | An aetherologist Xoiron brought with him on one of his visits. Her presence prompted Kazuko to finally confess. The two seem to get along, though she and Xoi often bicker. |
"Boots" Fosdex | Player Character | While the two don't know each other super well, Boots aided Kazuko in a major time of need for her, giving her a bit of food and got her a room at the inn at the Quicksands. |
"Cinna" | Player Character | A Viera whom has the resemblance and scent of a freshly made cinnamon bun. Apprehended Kazuko when she was caught stealing food from a stand, thinking she was a street urchin, only to discover the truth about her, bringing her to a friend's home to recover before she was delivered into Anahri's care. |
"Dr. Tokai" | Player Character | Dynamis expert on The Forum, assigned to Kazuko's case upon her quarantine. Once scans revealed that Kazuko was of no threat to either the star or the people around her, dropped her icy, irritable demeanor and became (mostly) more personable. While she is very busy at this time, she intends to help Kazuko secure medical trialing in the future, as well as assist in training her in the usage of her extra Dynamis. |
"Seren" | Player Character | A gatherer and fledgeling healer that came across Kazuko during a low energy day, getting her assistance through his connections at the Conjurer's Guild. The two seemed to get along really well. |
"The White Bird" | Player Character | A Sage who assisted her. Seems vaguely familiar. At first, Kazuko thought it was the brain fog talking. But now, the helpful and kind masked man is seeming more and more like another friend... |
Aedan Nolan | Player Character | A conjurer, sage, and gleaner that she met while resting after an assignment. The two got to talking and seemed to hit it off alright. |
Aelina Miret | Player Character | A food truck owner and cook who travels around. Kazuko was found by her in the middle of some intense hunger pangs, and the two hit it off quite well, to the point that they built a sandcastle together on the beaches of Mist, and Kazuko has free food sent to her. Over time, the two considered each other close friends, to the point Aelina's going out of her way to make sure Kaz won't have to suffer anymore, even if at the current time Kaz is still slipping through the cracks. |
Akadi Fixhanzer | Player Character | Anahri's wife. Kazuko only met her briefly during her time in the infirmary. |
Alfric Braddock | Player Character | Elise's brother. Bounty hunter, security, mechanic, and apparently inventor, as he invented the "Aether-Pen" that Kazuko is now to keep on her at all times. Like Elise, he also seems to care a bit for her well-being. |
Amalia Cruoriihibio | Player Character | The person who looked over Kazuko when Hiro brought her to a refugee clinic. All Kazuko knows is that she's more of a brunt person-she doesn't even know her name... |
Anahri Nekina | Player Character | A Miqo'te researcher that took an interest in Kazuko's case when she was called to look over her during a period of illness. She now currently presides over Kazuko's recovery while she is in Limsa Lominsa, and had provided her with not just Aetheryte tickets for easy travel, but made her a gift for Rhuled. She also made her some clothing after they reunited in Gridania. |
Anhi Bladesworn | Player Character | Another close friend. Gave her the desire seeking assignment after she stood up for him. Kazuko knows his real name-as he swore upon it during their first meeting-but doesn't use it to respect his privacy. |
Aria Kansh'i | Player Character | One of Yui's close friends, who visited with Kaz before her incident. |
Arielle Lalette | Player Character | A Sharlayan student who assisted Kazuko during a low energy spell. She also let Kazuko know that while she did need clearance to do medical trialing, she could enter the city-state and receive medical care. |
Ashemmi Yarkul | Player Character | Aided Kazuko in a time of need alongside Cessali at one point. |
Astella Lorida | Player Character | A fellow Arcanist that Kazuko bumped into upon going to review the basics in order to prepare for her future tutoring. Once Astella and Kazuko got to talking, however, the two went off on a successful adventure of their own, clearing pirates out of an old cave. |
Astrid Aneslei | Player Character | A Xaela Au Ra who was also given assistance alongside Kazuko-though was most likely found before her. They also offered her own assistance, which Kazuko happily took, and like others before, intends to research her ailment. She also assisted Kazuko when she was found unconscious on the beach, eventually offering to be an on-call doctor for her. |
Ayana Rhelka | Player Character | Security at Reverie. Checked in on Kazuko when she had a visitor, as per protocol, and acted alongside Kazuko in the Drama Club Reverie has. Seems to be in a relationship with Crym. The two are starting to grow close, and Kazuko has confessed to her current situation of being ill with very little means. |
Azumi Hayashi | Player Character | Kazuko's childhood friend from her time in Sui-No-Sato. The two reunited due to complete coincidence in the markets of Limsa Lominsa, where Kazuko was rushed to get some food. It was after she re-introduced herself that Azumi remembered, and the two spent time catching up, both at the Drowning Wench, and at her home in Ishgard, where Kazuko temporarily spent the night. The favor was returned when Kazuko fell ill, allowing Azumi to stay in one of the guest rooms at the estate she was in, as well as visit her, when she isn't spending time with her betrothed. Is part dragon (and it shows), has an egg due to hatch, and wasn't originally from Sui-No-Sato. She actually was from Doma, and was taken in by Kojin after her parents passed thanks to the war, and let Kazuko know about how Sui-No-Sato was opening up. In addition, she was present for a couple recent incidents, and is going to help Kazuko get into Sharlayan via her own connections from learning the art of the Sage. Kazuko vowed to protect her from rogue Temple Knights, and Azumi vowed to protect Kazuko from anti-Garlean dissenters in Ul'dah. In addition, the two now are adventuring partners. She's also assisted Kazuko medically, and reassured her that she just needs to find her niche in battle. She now has a dragonic ally in Ormr, taught Kazuko how to use her battlestaff like a lance, and examined Kazuko for her final exam for that term at the Studium, putting her in the spotlight to hopefully get the help she needs. In addition, she allowed Kazuko to utilize some of her resources to regain some of her missing memories-and comforted her through the realization, while remaining her adventuring partner and assisting her upon her falling ill once more-to the point that she was part of the medical team for the first few turns of the sun of Kaz's admission, becoming a visitor afterwards. However she picked up that role again with Dr. Blossom... |
Bharhaerz "Bear" Mynasyngsyn | Player Character | A Roegadyn that Kazuko briefly interacted with during her time out around Reverie. |
Bianca Asinius | Player Character | Polyhymnia's significant other. A workaholic and novice engineer who specializes in making medical devices. Like Polyhymnia, is incredibly kind. |
Blaire Baines | Player Character | A woman that had somehow found Kazuko, and gave her some emergency treatment for her condition, allowing her to perk up slightly, two times. She had a strange suit on during the first encounter, which after everything settled, had Kazuko wondering what it was... |
Bry Medekh | Player Character | Friend of Sammy's, who showed up after Kazuko came to. |
Byford Ceruleum | Player Character | Agent at Reverie that Kazuko met briefly-apparently has an interest in fencing-and possibly Red Magic, and is a part of the Drama Club. |
Calberot Bordeleux | Player Character | Drama club member who only shows up on occasion. Acted alongside Kazuko during her time on stage. |
Candance Fablesmith | Player Character | Newcomer to Reverie. Seems quite nice. |
Carmine Sable | Player Character | A Miqo'te woman that Kazuko met during a walk on the beach. Upon seeing Kazuko's appearance, Carmine took her to get some food. She has a friend named Maxima who got everything set up and seems to be a bit fed up with Lucent and Umbra |
Casimir Derinloire | Player Character | Another Elezen that aided Kazuko in a time of need-and startled her enough that she fell into the water near the docks. She doesn't hold that against him, though. |
Cessali Brookhaven | Player Character | Physician at the Phoenix Free Company clinic. Aided her greatly in a major time of need. |
Cheriblossom "Dr. Blossom" Sprinkle | Player Character | The doctor overseeing Kazuko post-attack, and one of her primary care physicians. He managed to find a void parasite inside her, and had gotten it removed. She's had many house calls with him, the third solidifying she was recovering from a nigh-fatal case of malnutrition, while the fourth ended with a friendly picnic, where he revealed being a former field medic in two different resistance movements and at least one war outside of those. He also appears to be versed in mental health as well, being incredibly comforting to Kazuko when she passed out in front of him, and was worried about worsening. In addition, he also uncovered that Kazuko had some sort of latent power about her, and will assist her once she goes to Sharlayan. He's not too too pleased at Zese's ban on healing, but understood why, and plans on assisting Kazuko in finding her hidden ability-as well as being present during her exam in The Studium. His assistance went further upon Kazuko's admission to a Physis Technon teaching hospital, and it was then where he really showed his dedication to his patients. Besides sticking up for Kazuko in regards to her treatment there (even though she was fine with it), he also, along with the rest of her peers, gave her encouragement regarding her feelings of inadequacy and listened to her about her memories. He will also be handling her malnutrition and her training in Dynamis. Admittedly, Kazuko is starting to see him as a friend as well, encouraging him to call her by her first name or her nickname-and he's also offered to help find the healer from her childhood. He's since moved her to his clinic for training and recovery, though it seems like she's going to be transferred again... |
Cirina "Ciri" Tsurugi | Player Character | Another fellow Raen from Sui-No-Sato. The two met while swimming, and shared a meal together. |
Colt Tamsec | Player Character | A worker for Talon Sparda. He was sent to pick up Kazuko and bring her to hiss apartment. |
Corwin Lancaster | Player Character | A traveling fisherman who assisted and visited Kaz multiple times. She considers him one of her closest friends now (and after two certain...incidents, with benefits), and they are going to travel together in the future, once things settle down for the both of them. |
Corwin Makris | Player Character | An acquaintance who came to visit due to having a nosy friend who heard of the rumors in Gridania. The two hit it off real well despite a snack mixup-and discovering that Kazuko will indeed eat chocobo food. |
Crym Redwynn | Player Character | Security at Reverie. Spoke with Kazuko at length on many things one night when she was out and about. Seems to be interested in Corwin in some way-which turned out to be platonic, since he seems to be in a relationship with Ayana. |
Doctor Sonder | Player Character | A Hrothgar that Kazuko spoke with and shared a small meal with while out on a walk. She doesn't know his name, but hopes to see him again. |
Dorothea Eldred | Player Character | A healer that found Kazuko in a bad way and introduced her to Mate Tea. |
Dr. Raeice Esfir | Player Character | Kazuko's previous Primary Care Physician-though she wishes they met under better terms. Dr. Rae had found Kazuko when she had collapsed in Ul'dah (again), and after stabilizing her, brought Kazuko back to her clinic in the Lavender Beds. Yet it turns out, Kazuko's time at the clinic was more than just for recuperation-it was for learning, too. She is now extremely grateful for everything Dr. Rae has provided. The only reason her primary doctor changed is due to her becoming a ward of House Sparda. |
Drax Keltris | Player Character | Talon's head assistant, the one who lead Dr. Blossom to Kazuko. |
Eden Astralthorn | Player Character | A Hyur male that Kazuko pretended to be in love with so his buddies (whom she felt awkward around) could get off his back. In exchange, she got a free meal and some gil-which she was fine with keeping up the facade in the future. |
Elise Braddock | Player Character | Former Nurse Practitioner at Reverie, is one of Kazuko's Primary Care Physicians. Impressed Kazuko with the fact she knew of Aethersap even prior to meeting her. She and the other medical staff came up with a plan that would help lead Kazuko to recovery and success upon discharge, leaving the frail Raen in tears of joy. After all the help that has been rendered, Kazuko intends to stay in touch, as it is clear the two have impacted each other's lives greatly. They would meet again once Elise became head of Medical for another Free Company, and Kazuko caught an episode in its tracks in Ul'dah. A third meeting occurred in a more social manner at Dr. Blossom's clinic, and a fourth transpired when Kazuko was transferred to her clinic. |
Faradan Sort | Player Character | One of two veteran adventurers that Kazuko met up with to help her get back into the swing of things. The two shared a meal together and took up an assignment together. |
Feyrin Banhi | Player Character | Meren's significant other. Kazuko met her briefly during her time at the Mraap Wellness Resort |
Galtmaah Avragch | Player Character | Owner of the Mraap Wellness Resort and the medic at the clinic. Helped with care of Kaz for a brief period of time. |
Ganbold Geneq-Esfir | Player Character | Dr. Rae's husband, whom works security and handles cooking. Kazuko had only met him briefly during a period of recovery. |
Haldhielje Syhrgids | Player Character | A Spirit Seer that works at Aetherwatch Society. While she mostly works with incorporeal aether, she can use gemstones to treat corporeal ailments-and gave Kazuko several satchels containing stones meant to help with her aether. |
Halitus Hydrus | Player Character | A Garlean man that assisted Kazuko in a time of need, and has since come to check on her a few times. |
Hawk Nightstar | Player Character | A male Miqo'te that Kazuko briefly met during her time recovering under Roufe and Zurine's care. |
Hiro | Player Character | One more close call led to Kazuko meeting this kind Hyur man. She was given food, but unfortunately having to subsist on rations took its toll. Yet despite being increasingly ill in an area where friendly faces were slim, Hiro was there. Kazuko unveiled her illness to him after it turns out he-and the person who looked her over-noticed she had an aether issue. Despite this, she hopes to travel with Hiro in the future. |
Hope Abel | Player Character | Another member of the medical team at Reverie. He specializes in memories and matters of the soul, and is of the Astrologian discipline. He and Kazuko had quite an intriguing and eye-opening conversation. |
Hydra Lerna | Player Character | A kind man with a Chocobo mask on. Kazuko spent a brief period of time with him and they seemed to hit it off quite well. |
Ianthe Vihrea | Player Character | An Elezen-presenting woman not from Eorzea whom found Kazuko trying to keep warm in Empyreum's bath area. She was brought to the other's home and given a meal, to which she broke down about her situation. While Ianthe wasn't able to assist much, allowing Kazuko to let out her bottled up emotions allowed her to re-focus and continue onward. |
Idvin Vrandal | Player Character | A kindly Viera man that runs a private clinic in The Goblet. Took care of Kazuko when she was having an episode-and provided her medication for the additional pain in her belly she was having at the time, and was called out to assist her during a time of need. |
Ila Valor | Player Character | The doctor that Nekhii called for Kazuko. She advised her to come by her clinic for a scan, and Kazuko intends to do so as soon as she possibly can. |
Imrahn Hrafntir | Player Character | A deliveryman for Intrepid Coalition (supposedly). Kazuko led him to his destination, and the two got to talking for a bit. |
Inoriel Varenas | Player Character | A fellow adventurer who helped her out in a minor time of need, and also vowed to protect her from Ul'dahn anti-Garlean dissenters. She hopes to meet him again soon-on a better note than before! |
Iona Falconsoul | Player Character | Head of Medical at Halcyon Assembly's headquarters in The Goblet, Revelry. Was present at her intake appointment, but also met formally during a routine check. |
Iris Yuzuka | Player Character | An apothecary owner that let Kazuko rest during a low energy spell-and has since provided her with a closer source of potions and ethers to her home! |
Isander Salamandra | Player Character | A Garlean that Kazuko happened to meet during a stop at a tavern. Once everyone else was gone, he got out several food items and gave them to her, while making her a pot of stew. While he meant well, one of them didn't sit really well with Kazuko, specifically raw meat. Even so, she doesn't blame him for what transpired, she blames herself, though he's apologized after bumping into a very unwell Kazuko as she was being taken care of. Due to the circumstances he encountered her in the second time, Isander is now aware of Kazuko's condition to a degree. |
Jacqueline "Jac" Page | Player Character | Member of Aetherwatch Society's medical team. Re-stabilized Kazuko's aether and gave her proper treatment for her Aethersap that she so desperately needed after not getting properly treated before. |
Jevara Kross | Player Character | A doctor that encountered Kazuko when she was on a stroll-the two got to talking a bit during. |
Jhanra Dalcha | Player Character | Owner of an infirmary near Buscarron's. Got involved with Kazuko when Yui beckoned to her that fateful day. |
Jubei Himura | Player Character | After about an epoch's time since he was brought to Kazuko's family's attention, she finally met the man himself. Having found out that she was unwell during her stay in his room-and seeing that she was worse off since then, Jubei asked Kazuko if she had everything in order-and it seemed she did for the most part. To ensure that helping her still ran in the family, Jubei made arrangements for Kazuko to stay in the inn in Gridania, and after finding out about her gil issues prior, offered to let her stay in his apartment, and would have the Gladiator's Guild protect her when she confessed to her struggles in Ul'dah. That paid off during her next visit, as he rescued her from a mob of guards, and the guild has been assisting her since. As for Jubei himself, he's teaching her some martial ways of combat, and gave her a foundation on channeling her emotions into her attacks. |
Juliana "Juli" Rayne | Player Character | A woman that assisted Kazuko during a low energy spell. She doesn't know her name. |
K'alama "K'al" Nulha | Player Character | Corwin's former fiance. Incredibly nice and eager to help, seems to be adjusting to life outside of a tribal setting. Is also quite motherly. |
Kagehiko Torioi | Player Character | A kind Xaela weaponsmith and former retainer from Hingashi, he and Kazuko met when she was hiding from sellswords in Ul'dah. Their relationship is a friendly one, yet also a business one, as Kazuko bought her rapier and staff from him. He has since stopped by to visit Kazuko when she was unwell. |
Kailia Greenheart | Player Character | Acquaintances, met at the bar in Phoenix's free company mansion. Would like to get to know her more. |
Kasia Lhea | Player Character | Graduate Student at The Studium, visited Kazuko with the intention of offering food to help with her healing-and it's been helping to a degree. |
Khamsin O'lavar | Player Character | Detective and acquaintance. Met briefly while at the apothecary. |
Kharjo Rohan | Player Character | A man who assisted Taruna with assisting Kazuko, albeit briefly. |
Kira Alli | Player Character | A Navigator that bumped into Kazuko on a walk. The two seemed to hit it off well. After a second meeting where he saw Kazuko in duress, she explained her situation to him. Now the two intend to travel when Kazuko is feeling better. |
Kirin Mori | Player Character | Khan of the Mori tribe. Spotted Kazuko and offered assistance to her when she was spotted eating a large assortment of snacks that Omen was giving her. Kazuko took this offer and confessed that she was dealing with difficulty obtaining food as well as sickness. She was then granted much needed reprieve in the form of being considered a friend/family member(?), and thus not needing to worry about food or shelter any longer while in Limsa Lominsa (though the latter wasn't really a worry to begin with). |
Korudo Zarokei | Player Character | A Doman Hyur whom Kazuko met by chance, and whom got her into care when she lost consciousness. Wishes to get to know him a bit better. |
Kosuke Kiritsugi | Player Character | An investor who got dragged along to go voidsent hunting. The two got to talking after Kousuke accidentally ate some of Kazuko's food, and got along quite well despite. |
Kryoda Zohawesfv | Player Character | A Viera man who assisted Kaz during her time in Ishgard and Gridania on her way back to Limsa Lominsa from the hospital. Even with the meeting being charity oriented, the two seemed to become fast friends. He has since opened a bakery and brought Kazuko some treats during her recovery a few times-a bakery that Kazuko visited, getting hot cocoa, baked goods, and some advice on how to move forward with selecting a martial fighting style. |
Kura Dunoia | Player Character | Friend of Sigil's. Also one of the strange beings like him, but more light-attuned. Assisted Kazuko in a time of need. |
Kurumi Kanade | Player Character | A fellow adventurer and blacksmith that Kazuko met when she took a nap in an inopportune place again. Mistaken at first for a ghost, then later mistaken for having not eaten in several days, Kurumi brought Kaz over for a meal-a large one at that! Wanting to avoid her hand being forced too soon, Kazuko spun a tale of her using up all her aether during training, and claiming to be recovering from an injury to explain her walking with a cane. While the two are slated to have adventures together in the future, how long can Kazuko's facade last? |
Kyrie Thorne | Player Character | An acquaintance of Kazuko's whom met her while she was staying at Reverie. Found out about her through his husband hearing of the rumors, and brought soup, suggesting she visit his cafe when well. |
Liese Nightingale | Player Character | A baker that came across Kazuko when she was unconscious, the only thing Kazuko remembers of her was the pastries she was fed, and a flicker of an appearance. |
Lilly Gardener | Player Character | Acquaintances, met at the bar in Phoenix's free company mansion. Fellow tea drinker, wants to know them a bit more. |
Magnus Kisne | Player Character | Medical staff at Reverie. Observed during Kazuko's intake appointment. |
Mahina Himaa | Player Character | A friend of Cinna's and Anahri's. Was present when Kazuko was apprehended for theft, and present for her decline in health, offering up her home as a place of recovery, and a place Kazuko could get a good meal. |
Mehra Thorns | Player Character | Acquaintance and future adventuring partner. The two bumped into each other while Kazuko was traveling-she assisted the other in finding the tree she was looking for. Though it was just a brief assignment, and Kazuko got some free food and a shared meal for her trouble, she is looking forward to spending more time with her new friend soon! |
Meiko Kamigawa | Player Character | Stumbled upon an unconscious Kazuko being taken care of by Astrid. Once she came to, Kazuko and Meiko seemed to get along fairly well. |
Mephelia Rynlaux | Player Character | An Elezen bodyguard and mercenary that has an interest in magitek. She also creates aether enchanted devices, and met Kazuko after taking an interest in her wheeled chair. |
Meren Dotharl | Player Character | A Xaela that Kazuko stumbled upon while she was lost in the Black Shroud. The two get along quite well, and intend to travel together sometime in the future. In addition, Meren has assisted Kazuko quite a bit with scale health. The two are becoming extremely close friends, with Meren planning on having her tribe assist her if she comes to visit, among other things. The two also seem to deeply understand each other, to the point that if Meren needs to get away from the Steppe, she goes to see Kazuko. Meren has also started working at the Mraap Wellness Resort clinic, and Kazuko was her patient at one point. |
Muffin "Miss Muffin" Senju | Player Character | A witchy, older Miqo'te who found Kazuko during a low aether spell and offered assistance. Despite being mistaken for a lost child, Kazuko accepted the assistance, and the two were a bit more alike than expected. |
Naomi Fujiwara | Player Character | An Auri woman that runs a clinic in Limsa Lominsa. After meeting Kazuko when she nearly passed out in the middle of Mist, Naomi has since taken her on as a patient, mostly for mental health matters, though for physical if needed, due to having known about Aethersap. Kazuko has since opened up to her about her time on the streets, and her feelings of inadequacy compared to her peers. She is also assisting Kazuko in her recovery. |
Nariakrellamsa "Naraik Fields" Da'ak'eh | Player Character | A man with a single leg who took Kazuko in during a low energy spell, offering her some food and company. Like he adapted, she is trying to do the same. |
Nayaa Lilly | Player Character | Works alongside Cessali and other medical providers at various clinics, provided Kazuko with her wheeled chair. Upon finding Zurine and an unconscious Kazuko, she immediately got the latter into her care, making sure she got the nutrients she so desperately needed. She's since gotten her own health taken care of, and has gone on to become an Archon and a well known surgeon. She is willing to add Kazuko to her research team to help get her medical trialing, though that didn't come to fruition initially due to later circumstances. Said later circumstances involved Nayaa scanning Kaz when she was admitted to a Physis Technon teaching hospital for severe malnutrition, and initiating quarantine protocol when finding Dynamis in her system. Despite this setback, Kazuko still considers her a dear friend, standing up for her when Dr. Tokai intended on admitting her to her lab. |
Nekhii Horo | Player Character | A kind-hearted Xaela who brought Kazuko back to her yurt upon noticing she was unwell-and when her condition declined, called in medical aid. During this time, she was nothing but kind and comforting, bringing Kazuko a ton of food. Nekhii even reassured Kazuko that it's okay that she ate like an uncivilized brute-as she had eaten with her hands, that's how severe her hunger is-and what what is important is that Kazuko had eaten something. |
Nivie Rothbart | Player Character | Security at Reverie. Assisted Kazuko briefly at one point, and questioned her appetite at another. Turns out to be one of the major individuals involved with the Drama Club that Kazuko spent time with, and also seems to make weapons in her downtime, knowing of a connection between fencing and Red Magic. |
Nora Stark | Player Character | A Sage and Technical student who met Kazuko upon seeing her and Yui taking shelter from the rain. Guessed she had Aetherspurn at first and assisted, still assisting after being corrected. Thinks she doesn't know much, but the fact that she was able to guess the correct family of illnesses with just a simple scan of Kazuko impressed the young Raen. Upon finding Kazuko via the rumors about her, Nora deemed it a miracle that she was still alive, and was certain she had some sort of mysterious power about her, and later learned about her wheeled chair and magitek vitals monitoring system. Kazuko eventually showed that her estimate has been confirmed. |
Ny'ope Genhu | Player Character | A curious, but fairly understanding Miqo'te that Kaz chatted with briefly while in Omen's speakeasy. She wouldn't mind getting to know her a bit more. |
Odgerel "Odge" Dazkar | Player Character | Juli's friend that also assisted Kazuko. Known only by her nickname, and speaks a language Kazuko does not know (OOCly known to be Xaelic). |
Okita Muso-ka | Player Character | Another Sui-No-Sato born Raen. Is a chef who assisted Kazuko in a time of need. She really wishes to see him again, as she's not met many from where she's from. |
Ollie Carter | Player Character | Acquaintance, fellow food loving Au Ra. Shared her lunch with Kaz during a time of need, and she would like to meet her again. |
Omen Arisane | Player Character | Bumped into him during one of her walks on the beach during his practice session. The two got to talking, and kind of found companionship in each other over a campfire meal, and later tea at his partner's speakeasy. After an unexpected visit to the speakeasy, Kazuko found out that Omen is a member of a tribe of wayward Au Ra called the Mori tribe, one that took Kazuko under their wing. |
Padudu "Padu" Moro | Player Character | An acquaintance met through a brief contact of hers. Padu is very concerned about how much Kazuko gets into trouble, but the two became fast friends. While Padu opened her home to Kazuko so she would have a place to stay, another offer has since come up. Yet still, the offer is accepted for the times Kazuko spends in Limsa Lominsa. |
Pihnx Wavebreaker | Player Character | Operations at Reverie. Kept an eye on Kazuko while handling an inspection of the wine shop there. Also a member of Drama Club, and remained with Kazuko even after she fainted, spending some time with her as she ate and recuperated. The two are close, and will keep in contact once Kazuko had left Reverie. |
Polyhymnia Lavigne | Player Character | A confessor and representative of Saint Raymanaud's Cathedral in Ishgard, who found Kazuko mid-episode of both her Aethersap and aetherical destabilization. Besides bringing her food, water, and ethers, Polyhymnia took Kazuko in until she could get proper medical attention, providing her with clothing and a place to rest. Despite being unwell for most of their time together, Kazuko admits that she felt well-loved during that time, something she wishes for in the future. |
Rachelle Woods | Player Character | One of Kazuko's physicians, starting to become a friend. Apparently Kazuko restores her faith in humanity, and is going to assist her with a project that could potentially give Kazuko herself some additional quality of life. |
Raimei Sehko | Player Character | Kazuko's adoptive father. Rai found Kazuko through the rumors, and brought her to his and Rya's place in Kugane, before eventually moving to Empyreum, helping nurse Kaz back to health all the while. The fact he adores cooking works out greatly! He really wishes to protect his family, and seems frustrated like he's not doing enough. He and Rya loved the gift basket that Kazuko prepared for them. Location currently unknown. |
Ranlast | Player Character | A Duskwight that Kazuko met while in Gridania, whom also is a traveler-the two intend to travel to Mor Dhona together someday. |
Ravir Njarost | Player Character | A Viera man who met up with Kazuko during one of her many walks. He's a fellow adventurer living with a 'family' of adventurers, the two having gotten on well. He's the one who managed to unintentionally nudge Kazuko in a more concrete direction regarding what magic to learn next. |
Reed Unlem | Player Character | A Miqo'te that found Kazuko in a back alleyway during one of her times stranded in Ul'dah. While she declines to disclose what transpired during their meeting, rumors already have pinned her as having had won a shady eating contest. In addition, she seemed to be slightly more at ease with herself ever since their time together. |
Reema Tribane | Player Character | One of Kazuko's adventuring partners, as as of their second outing together, friends (with benefits) and lovers. This Highlander man was partially responsible for the Raen's slight boost in confidence, one of her new outfits, as well as her swift recovery from her next episode, as it had happened during their adventure. The two traveled to Thavnair together so she can meet his family, and he taught her how to dance. |
Reppu Hijiri | Player Character | Medic and acquaintance, works alongside Rachelle at the apothecary. Starting to become a friend. |
Rhuled Markus | Player Character | Close friend. Already met his family as well. Kazuko intends to find some sort of trinket to repay him for all he's done for her-as they met when she came to in his care, and since then he's provided her with food and companionship, her also providing the latter in return. |
Roehswys Eynrael | Player Character | Drama Club member at Reverie. Kazuko is unsure of her position elsewhere, though, but believes she's a talented silent stage actor. |
Roroan Tataan | Player Character | A traveling Lalafellin man who found Kazuko during a time of great need. He's vowed to assist her, and she didn't mind having another companion. |
Roroux Primrose | Player Character | A Viera man that Kazuko accidentally bumped into when on the way to the Bismarck. The two of them ended up becoming dining partners, gushing over food...though Kazuko's appearance and some of the details left her new friend/future travel partner a tad worried. She hopes to travel with him to Kugane someday. |
Roufeaux ""Roufe"" Veatent | Player Character | An Elezen male with an Ishgardian accent. Kazuko met him when she stumbled upon him in a major time of need, and was assisted. Their meeting happened to be at a place of business, which Kazuko finds out that he lives in Mist, near her apartment-and offered to check up on her on occasion. |
Runaro Neitsuki | Player Character | A very kind individual that helped Kazuko in her time of need. She gave Kazuko her info just in case. |
Ryathei Aurion | Player Character | Rai's husband and Kazuko's adoptive father. He has given birth to twins, and plans to spoil them and Kaz. Despite this, his work is fairly cut-throat. Wants to be the father he never had, and loved the gift basket Kazuko gave him and Rai. Location currently unknown. |
Ryujin Mizukawa | Player Character | A wandering Samurai who, the night before he was due to head back to Hingashi, got Kazuko a warm meal and a place to stay for the time being, and later found her after being attacked by an Alpha Vodoriga. Kazuko seems to have a fondness for the man, not having known too too many people from Hingashi. He is also planning to take Kaz to Hingashi someday, and upon telling Kazuko that he fought demons and voidsent, she offered to join him-and wished to use her connection with Gouken to possibly get more assistance with dealing with Hingashi's demon problem. In the meantime, she's being trained to help take them on. |
Saeyara Voss | Player Character | An individual that is part of Elise's Free Company. Seems to be working on an affliction of the mind. |
Sakura Amari | Player Character | Dentist/Surgeon at Reverie. Stood in for Elise during one of Kazuko's routine checkups, and gave her a full dental checkup (with restorative work done). The two got to know each other a bit afterwards, and Sakura had been a good listening ear during the times she's checked in on Kaz. |
Salea Voklier | Player Character | A lady from Garlemald whom Kazuko met when trying to find a meal in Ul'dah. She was given soup and advice while in her care-as well as a potion to help her stomach settle. Yet Kazuko still doesn't know her name... |
Samaru Senju | Player Character | A man who found Kazuko via the rumors about the voidsent attack-and offered his support. |
Sammy Highwind | Player Character | Yui's friend from her Free Company, having assisted Yui in finding Kazuko, as well as with her recovery from a fainting spell, alongside the conjurers. Along with Yui, Sammy also offered her protection to Kaz. |
Sano Akina | Player Character | Briefly aided Kazuko and Yui, spending a bit of time with them while Kazuko recovered. |
Scarlet Fisher | Player Character | Doctor and owner of a clinic in Ishgard that Kazuko awoke in. Turns out, Scarlet found her passed out in the Brume and was under her care during her time there. |
Shaia Alaz'fen | Player Character | A woman that found Kazuko unconscious in Ishgard, and took her in to recover. After taking care of her for a bit, the two traveled back to Gridania, where Kazuko was escorted back to House Sparda. Shaia let Kazuko know she was welcome anytime, and Kazuko considers that a kindness. |
Shotaro Hidari | Player Character | "Former" detective and acquaintance whom managed to deduce that something was up with Kazuko upon their first meeting. She at least managed to fabricate some form of a story that seemed close to the truth, but how long will it last? She is already considering contacting him when she runs out of leads on her memories and missing parents. |
Sigil Innominant | Player Character | A strange being with the shape of an Elezen. Aided Kazuko in her time of need. |
Silent Owl | Player Character | Medical staff at Reverie. Seems to be on the quiet side. |
Silent Voice | Player Character | A Hellsguard Roegadyn emergency care doctor whom utilizes alchemical treatments. Took care of Kazuko when Korudo brought her in-Kazuko is grateful for her help. |
Silver Evermore | Player Character | Aetherologist and partner of Talindra. Did a further look-over of Kazuko's aether, and is the one who suggested the injections-and possibly an emergency transfer, as he made sure to give Kazuko plenty of options. |
Sveyr Rofinn | Player Character | An adventurer that Kazuko bumped into on her way to get a meal post-assignment. He offered her a ration, which she took, before leading Kazuko to his free company's headquarters so she could get a meal. Though the meal turned into also bringing her to the clinic, as Kazuko had passed out en route. He seemed quite nervous during the entire ordeal, which led Kazuko to feel bad for imposing so much on him... According to the commander he works under, Sveyr is afraid of women-this made Kazuko feel a bit worse... |
Syanna Nenuphar | Player Character | Met during one of her first forays out of her clinic room since getting the temporary wheeled chair. Acquaintances. Would like to adventure with her someday, if time and health permitted. |
Sylvas Vex | Player Character | Worker at The Atlas and Azumi's co-worker. Offered her a small bit of food and gave her a warm coat. Despite this, Kazuko doesn't know her name... |
Syrenead Tormelodos | Player Character | Medical staff at Reverie. Assisted Kaz during her intake appointment, and intends to teach her all about foraging and plants-which Kazuko is looking forward to. |
Talia Marlowe | Player Character | Hyuran acquaintance of Jhanra. Also got involved alongside them at the same time. |
Talindra Arayra | Player Character | Owner of a clinic in Ishgard. Found Kazuko when she was heading for a meal at the Carline Canopy, and went to look her over. She and her partners managed to stop a fainting spell in its tracks, while also providing some aether injections. |
Talon Sparda | Player Character | A Miqo'te male whose father does research on aetherical conditions, and appears to be of nobility. After hearing about Kazuko, he asked if she was willing to have medical samples from her studied. Upon her agreement, she was immediately given a source of food and medical care, as well as a new home in Gridania. When brought back to the estate after being attacked by an Alpha Vodriga, Talon hastened the process of getting medical personnel to look over her, and him taking her in saved her life. Kazuko is eternally grateful to him for all he has done for her so far-and all he's done so far is give her a device to stabilize her! Later on, Talon got Kazuko a small apartment, which she refurbished into an adventurer HQ, and assists in her traveling endeavors. |
Taruna Omyn | Player Character | A Xaela doctor who found Kazuko and assisted her in a drastic time of need. Doesn't have a true clinic, but the place she was cared for was comfortable all the same. |
Tenshyo Tanarian | Player Character | Owner of The Huntsman's Tavern. Talked to Kazuko a bit during her time there, and even helped her out a bit financially. |
Thyssaluah Nitoah | Player Character | Owner of the wine shop Pihnx was inspecting. Also got along really well with her, despite Kazuko not learning her name... |
Tilla Stark | Player Character | An Ul'dahn woman who interviewed Kazuko about the attack, and offered her tea. Apparently studies voidsent. |
Tsagaday Bayaquid | Player Character | A kind-hearted Xaela male who found Kazuko through the rumors about her, giving a nice morale boost during his visit. The two exchanged linkpearls, and will remain in touch. |
Tsuya Kanamori | Player Character | Owner of a clinic that assisted Kazuko when she stumbled in, taking care of her for a few turns of the sun. |
Turakina "Kina" Torgud | Player Character | Another person Kazuko met at the wellness resort. She is now supplying additional Aether Pens. |
Valljen Dalnes | Player Character | A Viera man who assisted Kazuko when she was in the throes of hunger. She was kept an eye on while escorted back to his home, and will always remember his kindness. |
Vespyr Shale | Player Character | A healer and medic that found Kazuko during an episode of both her Aethersap and aetherical destabilization. She wasn't able to fix the latter, but she was able to symptomatically treat the former. |
Vin Azura | Player Character | A Keeper Miqo'te who channeled warming aether into Kazuko to assist her and Yui. Left just as swiftly as she arrived |
Vincinaux Vilmont | Player Character | An Elezen doctor who has a small clinic near port. Treated Kazuko for a brief period of time. |
Vondus "Von" Khyr | Player Character | Sveyr's commander. Kazuko is super grateful for his generous offer of letting her eat from their mess hall if needed-and would take up his offer of showing off her adventuring chops when she's recovered. |
Wise Rage | Player Character | An oddly named Miqo'te man who assisted Kazuko during a severe aether spell. Despite seeming tired, he got her an inn and a meal, and has since offered to assist her. |
Xander Lawrence | Player Character | A Hyuran man that aided Kazuko when she nearly passed out while in Sharlayan. |
Xau'sae Dhava | Player Character | A Keeper of the Moon who met Kazuko when offering her food at the Carline Canopy. Though their time together was short, Kazuko will remember their kindness. |
Xoiron Nightgale | Player Character | A Miqo'te man who assisted Kazuko when she was struggling on a walk around Sharlayan. He could somehow sense the fact she had a void parasite removed...and later he found her unconscious and brought her back to the clinic she was at. He's since been checking up on her, and even brought her flowers and food, including an aether rich feast infused with a device he made himself. In addition, they've since shared details about each other and exchanged linkpearls, and he's given Kazuko a gift to help her regain aether-a bracelet with a crystal in it. Kazuko has since confessed to him about her aethersap, and he thankfully will help support her. He's even trying to work with Kazuko's doctors via his invention! |
Y'cemi'a Ghalsa | Player Character | Y'chah's brother, was the one who found Kazuko. He's quite talkative. |
Y'chah Tia | Player Character | A Miqo'te that looked over Kazuko during a time of need. |
Yeisu Dotharl | Player Character | A Xaela mage dwelling in a small hut in the swamps near the East Shroud. Kazuko got lost in the vicinity of her hut, being drawn in by the lanterns from it. Once the two got talking, plans were made to teach her Thaumaturgy in the future. |
Yui Mizuno | Player Character | Close friend whom helped Kaz in a few times of need. After feeling useless in that she hasn't been able to prevent Kazuko's collapse, she wishes to learn Sharlayan medicine. Assisted Kazuko even to her own detriment one fateful day in Gridania, leading to several people coming to their aid, and visited her after she was attacked by the voidsent. In addition, she assisted during another fainting spell, having aided the conjury guild in their healing. She offered to protect Azumi from rogue Temple Knights, and later offered the same protection to Kazuko from both rogue Temple Knights and Anti-Garlean dissenters in Ul'dah. She's also assisting in Kazuko's recovery and learning from other doctors a more scientific approach. |
Yuki Evermore | Player Character | Assistant and partner of Talindra. Fed Kazuko some warm soup, and offered his invented artificial aether to her, much to Talindra's chagrin. This had Kazuko's interest piqued, and she's thinking about having him meet with Talon regarding that invention... |
Yuma Sumeragi | Player Character | A machinist and chef who found Kazuko when her reputation in Ul'dah lead to another close call regarding her condition. His skills led to not only her getting a much needed meal, but unveiling her ailment prematurely. They're good acquaintances, but Kaz now feels like she owes him something... |
Yuri Reed-Senju | Player Character | The spiritual healer that Samaru brought to Kazuko. Prescribed her with some medicinal tea. |
Zese Cadmus | Player Character | A Sharlayan woman that Kazuko bumped into during her time at Apkallu Falls. Turns out to be a practitioner of Red Magic, and is now teaching Kazuko how to do the same, providing her with the notes and resources she needs. Despite Kazuko initially hiding it, she knows about her condition, due to a collapse during a lesson on the Conjury side of Red Magic. Thankfully, despite this, Zese told Kazuko that she won't give up on her. |
Ziraelle "Zira" Nishida | Player Character | A Viera that is working alongside Ryujin after the latter vowed to assist her with a demon plaguing her village. Met Kazuko through sheer happenstance when she came across her requesting Ryujin's services while on a walk with Azumi. The two will likely be working together in the future. |
Ziraki Rakza | Player Character | A healer that assisted Kazuko after she was attacked in Ul'dah, bringing her a meal, and letting her talk in a private area alongside aiding her body's natural healing processes in healing the wound on her neck. |
Zizzy Spice | Player Character | A huntress who lives in the Shroud, whose home Kazuko stumbles upon. She was given a giant meal there. |
Zurine Ekaitz | Player Character | The other individual that was with Roufe. Also lives in The Mist, and owns two raptors: Chompy, a 'teacup' raptor, and Snappy, a full-sized one. Kazuko admittedly didn't get as much of a glimpse of her, and only really remembers her by voice during the first two times they met. It was only during the third meeting that they saw each other face to face, as she visited Kazuko in the hospital and brought her food. |
"Mrs. Madeline" | Other Person's NPC | One of the nurses at Scarlet's clinic, having been the one responsible for feeding aether into Kazuko-if she knew how much was put into her, Kaz would admit to feeling remorseful! She wasn't too too happy with Kazuko's choice of self-arranged 'physical therapy'. |
A'lia Tearo | Other Person's NPC | Owner of a small equipment shop for spellcasters. Reema brought Kazuko here to get new adventuring gear and a kimono-and Kazuko will now be a returning customer! |
Akasaka | Other Person's NPC | A doctor known by Sigil. Aided Kazuko in her time of need. |
Cadel Esfir | Other Person's NPC | Dr. Raeice and Ganbold's young son. Kazuko met him briefly during a period of recovery. |
Cai | Other Person's NPC | A chirurgeon that operates out of Gridania. Looked over Kazuko and confirmed her episode of her condition, and provided her with herbs to assist her recovery. |
Chompy | Other Person's NPC | Zuri and Roufe's pet raptor-well the smaller of the two. Seems to have taken a liking to Kazuko, and tends to travel with Zuri a lot. |
Gouken Himura | Other Person's NPC | Friend of family. Saved her and her mother's life when she was a young child, the latter by dispatching a mugger and the former by rushing her to get vital medical assistance. In addition, he took her family in, and accepted them as extended family when their names were changed. He since visited Kazuko while she was visiting Jubei, encouraging her during her spar against him-and even calling her his adopted daughter. |
Juni Himura | Other Person's NPC | Friend of family. Saved her life when she was a young child, using her conjury to stabilize her, as well as securing additional medical care for her. |
Miyuki Nishida | Other Person's NPC | A woman who was with Ryujin at the time Kazuko was found. She doesn't know her name, or what Spoken race she is, but Kazuko considers her kind all the same. She, alongside Ryujin, have been visiting frequently, and Miyuki believes getting Kazuko some sunlight will help her. |
Nika Housina | Other Person's NPC | Friend of family. Saved her life when she was a young child, via utilizing her conjury to stabilize her. |
Ormr | Other Person's NPC | The great wyrm that Ryujin has a connection with. Assisted in transporting Kazuko from The East Shroud back to House Sparda's Estate. Ryujin is still learning his connection with him, and both of them now have an ally in Azumi. |
Silvye Tribane | Other Person's NPC | Reema's retainer, known for being a good-and speedy-cook! She was rescued by him in the past, and wants to have a girls' night out with Kazuko. |
V'en | Other Person's NPC | A waitress at the Bismarck. She knows both Reema and Kazuko well due to their large appetites. |
Kagero Aogane | My NPC | The village healer mentioned in her backstory. Doesn't remember his name. |
Makoto Himura | My NPC | Mother, location unknown |
Okhi Zhwan | My NPC | The Sharlayan Scholar mentioned in her backstory. Since returned to Sharlayan. |
Raiden Himura | My NPC | Father, location unknown |
Abstra'ct Space | Full Entry Pending | Kazuko's main competitor in the eating contest, who she easily triumphed over. |
Akira | Full Entry Pending | An Elezen that assisted Kazuko when she collapsed in the entryway of a cafe. |
Aleera "Ally" Tribane | Full Entry Pending | Reema's sister. Eager to adventure at the expense of her studies, and wishes to know more of Kaz and Reema's adventures together. |
Dahc Einnub | Full Entry Pending | The magi-technician at Dr. Blossom's clinic. He's incredibly goofy and cracks jokes about exploding heads when installing Kazuko's regulator, much to Dr. Blossom's chagrin. |
Jahleel Tribane | Full Entry Pending | Reema's father. An esteemed Alchemist with The Great Work, and typically has his nose in either his experiments or his notebook. |
Kaien Kurogane | Full Entry Pending | A well-spoken Xaela chef. He found Kazuko in a time of need, and took her in temporarily until she was well again. |
Kyokuho and Family | Full Entry Pending | A small family who lives in a sanctuary town, built around a temple meant to help others. Kazuko stumbled upon Kyokuho, the 'leader' of the family, in battle, and immediately assisted him-including utilizing more restorative magics when he was terribly wounded. Said magic managed to stabilize him enough so he could be returned to the Temple to be taken care of, but at a cost-Kazuko lost consciousness, having triggered an episode of her condition by improperly 'crossing the streams', per se. She, too, was taken back to the Temple as well and aided. She considers her time there to be one of the most treasured. |
Lazarus | Full Entry Pending | A Half-Garlean that assisted Kazuko during the period of time she was stranded in Ul'dah. |
Meera Tribane | Full Entry Pending | Reema's mother. The two met when Meera attacked Reema, and Kazuko rushed to his defense-only for it to backfire. Her willingness to help, as well as her massive appetite helped put her in Meera's good graces. |
Raineao'to Mhijaia | Full Entry Pending | A kind Miqo'te man who offered Kazuko an apple and a few meals upon seeing her in the Carline Canopy. The two of them have gotten to talking. |
Saffron Aldoronis | Full Entry Pending | An individual who assisted her in a time of need. |
Satomi Nishikawa | Full Entry Pending | A Raen priestess of Kugane, who assisted Kazuko during a time of poverty, albeit thinking she was worse off than she was. |
Shyreen "Rini" Tribane | Full Entry Pending | Reema's other sister. Seems to take after her father the most. |
Vili Atoel | Full Entry Pending | A Viera man that assisted Kazuko when she was kicked out of a venue in Vesper Bay. Turns out to known medicine and be from Sharlayan. |
Kaela | Character of a non-player | A mute leatherworker and weaver who Kazuko got along with swiftly while warming up inside the leatherworker's guild. Kaela made Kazuko's warm weather gear, and bought her lunch as well! After Kazuko was attacked, Kaela visited her, revealing that she had been attacked by a voidsent in her youth-and was responsible for her losing the ability to speak. Kazuko vowed to take them down for both of them. She has since assisted Kazuko in preparing a gift basket for her adoptive parents, and taken care of her when she passed out. She also visited Kazuko during her time in Sharlayan. |
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