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Aethersap-A Dossier
Aethersap is an illness closely related to Aetherspurn through its surface symptoms and classification (CCA, Corporeal Composition Anomaly), to the point that the two can be mistaken for one another. Instead of the body not accepting aether from food, the body drains away aether (and nutrients!) at a faster rate than a normal size and frequency of meals can manage-thus requiring larger and more frequent meals to offset the loss, exact amounts depending on the individual. Symptoms include low aetherical levels, weakness, weight loss, increased/pronounced hunger/appetite, difficulty in aetherical manipulation, and hypoglycemic attacks, the latter leading to dizziness, fainting spells and weakness in the limbs during recovery. Like its related illness, there is no cure, only palliative care-treatment and management of symptoms.
In those who have lived with the condition for a long period of time, episodes can happen where their corporeal aether suddenly destabilizes, leading to a spell of severe hunger and pain.